Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [9]



consented to take charge of him, + carried him home.

Paid charges to him till taken by W. A. H.                                           1.50                                              

July 31st. Jane Johnson + her two children. 'The Wheeler Slaves’ arrd. Paid their board.                                                                                        2.50

Passages to Boston                                                                            10.

James, her son, lives William Mohegan, head of Grace St.

 Aug. 17th. Laura Lewis, belonging to Mrs. Lewis of Bardstown, Ky. but hired, for several years to Mrs. Johnson of Louisville, was brot. to Baltimore by her: Left Mrs. Johnson, + came on to Phila + was forwarded thence by Wm. Still.

Laura's story is that her master died about twenty five years ago, + left her + a number of other slaves free by will, at y death of his wife. His mistress died in March, + y slaves instead of being emancipated were taken to satisfy an old debt of Mr. Johnson's.  They were to be sold in October at auction. Four ran away a few days since. Laura is y fifth fugitive + others, she says, will follow their example. The four who left before she started from Louisville, took her baggage. She is to meet them at St. Catherine's C.W. At Harrisburg her pocket was picked of $82 + she needed aid. She had been well treated,


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