Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [13]



their way by land, with a compass for guide. The first step was to inquire of some coloured people as to y Wilmington R.R. + found that to reach that they must go back within seven miles of Baltimore, which they did. From that time they kept to y Rail, travelling by night, + keeping close by day. From colored people on y way they got provisions, + were troubled with no questions from whites. At one place they abandoned y compass, lest it should excite y suspicions of two white persons whom they saw approaching. At Wilmington they found friends, + were sent into Pa. + so on, y brothers, however, soon parting with their two companions, lest suspicion should be excited.
Sent them thro' to Syracuse. Albert + Anthony have both left wives, + one of
them a child in Norfolk, + all free.
Passages + food.                                                                              8.50
Paid Mrs. Mundy for lodging Jane Johnson
on her way to Pa.                                                                               .37

Oct. 2. Rebecca Gill + Emeline Brown left their mistress Mrs. Hewitt,
who brot. them from Louisville. Paid for their baggage.                         1.37

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