Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [37]



into y woods + concealed themselves till evening. About 9 o' clk they started as before riding double, + took to y road again. They had not gone far before they came to a  house, + y inmates hearing them pass, called to them to stop. Not obeying these orders they were fired upon but fortunately were not hit. Their companions they have never seen nor heard of since, + presume that they were captured. They rode on till daylight, then dismounting, they turned their horses heads y way they came, gave them a slap to start them homeward, + fled into y woods. The rest of y way they travelled on foot, + met with no further

interruption. The feet of one of y men were frozen from y exposure, for, of course,

they were without y shelter of a roof for several days.

Sent these + y man who preceded them to Canada. Expenses              $28.75

P.S. Jany. 22. The Syracuse Chronicle of y 19th thus notices this party + their arrival in that city. (see next page.)

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