Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [4]



May 28th. Mary Cummens. + her daughter Lucy, a child of 11. yrs. arrived from Crosswicks, N.J. Forwarded them to S.J. May, Syracuse, to go thence to Thos. Henning, Toronto, to join Mary's son, James, who went forward April 3rd. Expenses, Passage to Syracuse +c.                                      6.35

This party, Mary, James, Lucy, y whole family. + Benj. Moody, who, having no mother, had always been in Mary's care, took Col. Hollingsworth's carriage.--their master--late in Sept. in y night, + drove to Shippensburgh, where they arrd at 1 a.m. put up yhorse, to be kept till they came back + took ycars at 6. for Phila. A baggage-master befriended them, kept them at Harrisburg till night + then for. them to Phila to Dr. Bias. Thence they were sent to Crosswicks, where they passed y winter. (Grove Kent y tavern at Shippenburgh.)

May 27th. A man was found by L.N. on board y schr. 'Peter Demise.' Capt Hoey from Savannah, who had concealed himself to escape. Napoleon sent him at once to Syracuse, en route to Canada.

                        Passage                                                                                $1.25

June 23. A young woman calling herself a fugitive brot to y office by Rowland Johnson, to whom she was sent by his friends at Eatontown, N.J. Doubting a story, she was put thro' a rigorous cross-questioning.   


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