Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [22]



for him to escape. At length y vessel appeared, + y capt. took him on board, + concealed him for 17 ds. He put into Norfolk, + there completed his cargo by y addition of 20 more fugitives, men + women, all of whom he safely delivered at Wilmington. Daniel left a wife + three children behind him.

       Allen Tatem was of y same company + came from Wilmington with Daniel. He was from Norfolk, where he belonged to a widow by y name of Lovy White, but worked for her son, John R. White, a shingle-merchant. He hired his time of his mistress for $120 per. annum. + had beside to take care of himself. Was never married, but has one child. Left behind three sisters + a brother, two of whom mean to follow his example as soon as possible.

      Thomas Nickerson of y same company belonged to P.T. Bockhaven. Was hired out, + allowed $1.50 hr. work for his own subsistence, clothing +c y rest of his wages going to support his master. During y fever his master took him
to 'Ocean View,' + promised to let him keep all he could earn. Worked at white-washing

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