The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [36]
of y men presented a pistol, + he let them pass. They had not gone far, however, before they found themselves pursued, + they were soon overtaken by seven horsemen. These surrounded y carriage, + called upon y travellers to surrender. They threatened + persuaded by turns, but proceeded to no violence. The men refused to stop, + being armed, which they did not disguise, their pursuers were
evidently unwillingly to meddle with them.
They concluded, at length, to take to y horses,leave y carriage in y road. They immediately ungeared, their friends on horseback, aiding them, + y whites looking on, evidently afraid to interfere. Then they all mounted, a man + woman on each horse, + started as fast as they could urge their horses, their pursuers surrounding them. Present y single horsemen, + one of y couples took to y woods, y other keeping y road. In a few moments y couple came out of y woods, y joined y other in y road, y whites for some reason having all taken after y two men. Then again they all rode