Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [31]



He started for Washington about five weeks ago, + walked all y way to Columbia, where he took y cars for Phila. He suffered severely during y journey, from cold and wet, being often obliged to ford ponds + streams. His clothes sometimes froze

to him, + he would lie all day in y sun to thaw + dry them.     

To Syracuse-                                                                                     3.75

Wm. Price, 25 years old, from Windsor, N.C. belonged to Gov. Branch. Is by trade a stave-maker. His master moved about a year ago nearly 300 miles from Windsor, where Wm. was compelled to leave his wife. A promise that he should go + see her, not being fulfilled, + no prospect of being, he ran away, + went to Windsor.

He made himself a sort of a cave, somewhere in y neighbourhood, + lived there + in swamps for ten months. He at last left N.C. with Capt. Fountain + is y last of y party of 21 who escaped in his vessel.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   3.45

Dec. 26.

Daniel Johns (nee Joseph Cornish) 40 years old, from Cambridge, Dorchester Co. Md. is a blacksmith by trade + a minister of y African Methodist


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