Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [26]



Dec. 1st. John Bright + his wife arrived from M[ahlon]B. Linton, Pa. of y same party with Harriett (Nov. 10th) who is his sister. After y dispersion at Wilmington, John + his wife found their way to Linton's, + remained there till yesterday. John belonged to John Dwar, + his wife to Katy Ringle.

Paid for. them                                                                                               $1

and forwarded to Albany

Dec. 3rd. Tom. Castle, aged 16 + Ezekiel Chambers, about 15. of y same party as above. Tom is John Bright's step-son, + belonged to Sam. R. Perkins. 'Zeke' belonged to John Swan, + was raised by Harriett. Have been staying at Elijah Pennypacker's, Phoenixville, Pa.

Sent to Syracuse + paid.                                                                              8.

Dec. 6th. Henry Cooper (nee Isaac Ross) 19 years old, came from Middletown, Md. House-servant of Thomas S. Merritt. Born in Delaware near Newcastle. Sold with his brother + three others by a Frenchman, named Augustine Maley. Merritt bought him at auction. Was treated kindly by Merritt except when he was drunk, + then he would beat him. Ran away on y night of y 22n ulto.

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