Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [18]



Oct. 26th. Franklin Wilson of Smyrna, belonging to Dr. Daniells, ran away on Thursday last, + walked to Wilmington. Sent thence to Phila, thence here by Wm. Still. His master treated him badly, he says, in proof of which he has plenty of scars to show. He overheard his master chattering with a stranger for his sale, + as he had threatened to sell him because he attempted once before to escape, about a year since, he concluded to try it again.
Sent him forward for Canada. Had no money--paid for him                            $4

Nov. 6th. Littleton Sewell, alias Johnson, belonged to N.M. Martin of Richmond, Va, left on y 1st inst. concealed on board a steamboat by y steward to whom he paid $60, all he had, to y aid. Had been threatened with punishment by his master, for being out a half-hour beyond y time permitted by his pass. Concluded to go where passes were not needed to be out o' nights.                            $4.50

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