Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [34]



first wife, who left her free after a term of  years, + her children to be free at 21. Some others, cousins of Sam's, left in y same way, y villain sold to Alabama within a year or two of y expiration of their term of service. Just before Sam left, a little boy of his masters told him that he he heard his father tell his mother that he meant to sell Sam, so Sam left.

Sent all to Syracuse.                                                                        $15

Jany 17 Wm. Henry Larrison, from Newark Co. Del. went to Wilmington, on foot, on Sat. 12 inst.  Sent forward by Thos. Garrett, was married a month ago, but his master proposing to sell him, + y overseer giving him permission to go to Wilmington, he improvised y oppy., which he had long wished for, to escape.

 18th. A company of six arrived, two of whom were from Alexandria, + y rest from Va. The two first were man + wife. They got  first to Washington, + then went into Maryland, on their way to Phila, but y wife was taken

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