Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [35]



ill, + they remained in y house of some friendly colored people whom they happened to fall in with. The name of y husband was George Graham,--changed to Henry Washington --+ they belonged to y widow Beverley.  The other four were [Barnaby Grigby] + his wife [Mary Elizabeth Gigby] + [Frank Wanzer] a single man, + Emily Foster, a single woman. She belonged to Townsend McVee [McBee].  This party left home during y Christmas  

holydays, hiring a carriage + a pair of horses for y journey, + being accompanied by two friends on horseback. They travelled for a day or two without question for a day or two when unfortunately they found they  had strayed a short distance from y right road, + y two horsemen went ahead to make inquiry. They stopped at a mill + asked y road to Pa. The miller told them they must go no further, he of course, presuming them to be fugitives. They returned to their companions, + all went on together. Arriving in a few moments at y mill, y miller seized y horses' heads, + attempted to stop them. One

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