Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [20]



some distance, + finally got to Phila by steam boat. She was a house-servant +
born in y family. Expects her husband + brother to follow her with a child she
left behind.
Sent to Syracuse

Nov. 19th Isaac Jacobs, (alias Chs. Handy) belonged to Henry Tilcher, near Berlin, Md. His wife left last spring, + he seemed much dejected at hearing nothing of her along y route. She went by y name of Leah Davis, + they left behind them "five head" of children.
Oliver Paul, slave of Moses Paul, was with Isaac. They both know Catherine
Pitts, + according to their account she left home some time earlier than she represented.
Sent them all to Syracuse together.                                                   $11

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