Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [7]



them." Efforts are making to find them, + get them out of y hands of y worthless parent.

        Sarah was a slave at Newburn [New Bern] N.C. + escaped
eleven or twelve years since, I am not sure which. She was concealed on board
a vessel by y steward in an unoccupied state-room forward of y cabin, in a berth which was used as a dormitory for dock cordage, oakum, + other articles of daily necessity. In this berth she lay, covered by these various articles, y whole passage, which if I remember aright, was seven days. The mate visited y berth frequently whenever any of the articles kept there were wanted. But he never discovered her, so well was she concealed in a place only partially lighted, + so quiet did she keep herself. She did not leave y berth during y whole voyage.

       Moore had met her at Newburn, + had promised to marry her if she would come to N.Y. + gave her his address. On her arrival he had gone to sea. He
however soon returned, + they were married at y house of J[ames]S. Gibbons.

Aug. 10th. Sarah's children are at last found, + arrangements made with a colored woman to walk

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