Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [12]



Sept. 5th. John Richardson (James Russell) slave of Edward Reynolds of Baltimore. Gave a man $20 to take him twenty miles toward PA. + walked thence to Columbia, where he took y cars to Phila. Had money enough to take him so far. A coloured man by y name of Jackson employed on one of y steamers to N.Y. gave him a passage here, + put him in Napoleon's hands. He had sent his baggage to Boston by a free coloured man, + I paid his passage to that city, + fed him,                                                                                                    $3

Sept. 6th. Jane Johnson arrived from Pa.
Paid her passage + c. to Boston.                                                                $4

Sept. 7th. Anthony Brown (nee John Bennett), + his brother Albert Brown (nee James Bennett) belonging to Henry + John Hollard, near Norfolk, left on Saty. night, a fortnight last Saty. with two others, fugitives, in a sail boat belonging to a neighbor of their masters', and run down y Chesapeake Bay, till Tuesday, about noon, when they landed about 20 miles above Baltimore. They were out of provisions + discouraged by head-winds, + concluded to make

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