Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [39]



Jany. 25. A man was brot. to y office who declared himself to be a fugitive from near Fredericksburg, Va. There were some discrepancies in his story, however, which made it doubtful. Put him in y way, however, of being shipped for a sea-voyage, which he said he was willing to take.

Paid to get his trunk for him.                                                                      .37

Jany. 28th. Mary Jeffers, + her two daughters, belonged to Joshua Craig of Bohemia Manor, Md. Her master + mistress permitted her to leave them with these two children, about six years ago, + since that time she has lived in Phila.

Subsequently she brought a little boy, whom she has left in New Jersey.  After y death of y old people, y legal title to Mary + y girls vested in their two sons + a daughter. Recently a rumor reached Mary that one of the sons, now a resident of Wilmington, was going to New Orleans, + that he meant to recover her

+ her two daughters. She did not believe y story, but a week ago yesterday--Monday– she saw him come to y house-door


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