Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [14]



Oct. 3. Sam Turner, + Wesley Jones left Chesterown, Md. three weeks ago on Saty. with seven others, among whom were two women, , + made their way
by night to Wilmington, Del. where they found friends. Were forwarded from place to place thro' Pa. + sent, at last, to this office, by M[ahlon]. B. Linton,
of Newtown.
Forwarded them to Syracuse.                                                         7.65

Oct. 8. (Jacob Crippen) Peter Matthews (now called Saml Sharrow) from Accomac Va. walked to Chestertown, Pa. [Md?] He left because he was compelled to, he says, by hard treatment, + because he thought he had better work for himself for wages than for another man for nothing. He left home neath y full of y moon, + travelled by night.

For near two years he has had y purpose in mind, + has been 'studying' to effect it. At a camp meeting recently he earned a few dollars, + having bought some flour, he that made into cakes to support him on his journey. He got on comfortably
till he came near Newcastle. There he met on y road with a man to whom, three
years ago he was hired. The recognition was mutual. The gig passed, + presently y horse's pace was slackened. Saml sprung over a gap in a hedge, ran a short distance, + hid himself in some bushes

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