Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [24]



a large number of slaves, at his death, all of whom were sold to pay his debts, + Phyllis among y rest, who was bought by his recent mistress Mrs. Aulcher.

To Mrs. Francis, y daughter of her late mistress she seems much attached, says she would have remained with her had she belonged to her, as they were brot. up together.

            Sent her to Boston where she has friends.

                                    Expenses                                           $3.

 Dec. 3 John belonged to one Stark, concealed 18 days, on board y Schr. Central, from Savannah,by y steward. Taken out by Napoleon, + kept here for several days.

Sent to Syracuse                                 25 [cents symbol][crossed out]

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