Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [38]


[38 -- newspaper clippings pasted onto page -- transcribed in italics]

FRESH ARRIVAL OF FUGITIVES.--We had the pleasure of seeing seven very intelligent, fine-appearing fugitives, this morning, fresh from the land of the "Peculiar Institution," the blessings of which they seemed not all to appreciate. Two of them, a young, married couple, left in October last, and have just arrived, having been delayed by sickness and the dangers of their wearisome journey. One was from Delaware; the other four from the same neighborhood. This party when it left consisted of four males and two females, all young people. They came on in good order, for a time, in carriages, without opposition; but before reaching the borders of the Free States, they were attacked by a party of six whites. They took their horses from the carriages, and mounted them; two of the men taking each a female behind him, and the other two going singly. Those with the females escaped , but the men who were alone were probably captured, as they have not been heard from. The seven arrived at Loguen's last night, where they were cared for, and are probably now on their way for the Land of the Free. Two of them were married to-day.

The following paragraph, from The Tribune of y 23rd inst. probably refers to y same party, tho' there are some discrepancies in y statement, but none that might not naturally enough occur.       

ESCAPE OF FUGITIVES--EXCITING CHASE--UNFORTUNATE CAPURE [sic] OF ONE. -- A paper published in the town of Frederick, Md, called The Examiner, gives a description of a late stampede of slaves from that vicinity. It appears that six of them--four men and two women--having two spring wagons and four horses, came to Hood's Mill, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, near the dividing line between Frederick and Carroll Counties, on Christmas day. After feeding their animals, one of them told Mr. Dixon whence they came. Believing them to be fugitives, he spread the alarm, and some eight or ten persons gathered around to arrest them; but the negroes, drawing revolvers and bowie-knives, kept their assailants at bay until five of the party succeeded in escaping in one of the wagons, and as the last one jumped on a horse to flee he was fired at, and the load took effect in the small of the back. After going a few rods he reeled and fell to the ground, when he was pounced upon and secured. How he was used by his captors we know not; but humanity shudders at the probable result.


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