Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [17]



porter being sick, when he was sent on an errand to near y wharves. He accidentally met with y cook of a vessel + entered into some talk with him, + soon came to an understanding. He had about him $5 for which y cook agreed to conceal him, y captain of y vessel consenting, but on condition that his name was not to be used. They sailed that night, + Wm. lay concealed a day + a half, till y pilot left. The capt. put him ashore at Long Branch, telling him he was in a free state, + to make y best of his way to N.Y., first inquiring y way to y R.R. He travelled all night + part of y next day before stopping. He rested at last at a gentleman's house whom he told he was a fugitive. This man aided him with money, + fed him, + would have lodged him in his house, but Wm. felt safer in y barn. On Friday he reached N.Y. + inquired for a coloured minister, + was directed to y 6th St. Church. He found y church, after some difficulty, y persons in charge took him in, + went for Mahonen [?].
Forwarded him to Syracuse.                                                                   4.43

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