Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [21]



Nov. 23rd. Daniel Carr arrived from Plymouth, N.C. His master John C. McBoyle sent him to Jacob Williams, of Portsmouth, a speculator for whom he was carriage-driver. This man would not let him visit his wife and children who lived near Norfolk. Slaves of Francis Hubbard [?] [Huleband?] + he ran away in June ‘52 + was concealed on board y steamboat 'Stag,' by y captain. The Capt. had a pass written, which y clerk of y boat did not, when it was shown him to him [sic], consider as sufficient. So he was put in irons returned to Portsmouth. After being in prison two days + nights he was punished with forty lashes, + released by his master. In y Fall he started again but was soon arrested, as a fugitive. On paying of $2 he was released, + sent back to Portsmouth, but his absence had not been discovered.

The last time he left he was more successful. The capt. of a schr. advised him to leave + conceal himself in a certain swamp near by, where he would take him at a certain time in his vessel as he passed. It happened, however, that y vessel had to be laid up for repairs, so that Daniel was compelled to remain in his den for three months, no oppy. offering

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