Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [5]




+ her answers + conduct only served to confirm y first impression. She at
length confessed that her story was untrue, that she was born in VT. had been sick all
winter in Byberry, Pa. As she seemed very contrite, had very likely been driven
to this course by distress poverty, rather than from any inherent preference for
evil over good it seemed best to treat her kindly, + dismiss her with good advice.
Measures were taken to send her forward to Hartford, where she preferred
to go, she said. But Napoleon had some trouble with her, after getting her to y boat, + she was dismissed with -                                                     .25c

June 25th. Wm. Still forwarded a woman [Maria Joiner] for New Bedford.  She wanted only food, to be sent to y boat.                                                 15c  

July 24th. Rec. a note from J.S.G. [James S. Gibbons] who had received information that one Sarah Moore a colored woman + a fugitive slave, living at New Haven, was in danger of capture, + there was reason to suppose that her husband Jacob Moore had betrayed her. Napoleon was sent in y next train to New Haven with directions to find y woman +

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