Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [16]



long time; then they went 'sou'-west' of, + very near to him, to a swamp. All the time Samuel gave himself up for lost, but prayed to God that he would preserve him till night, when he could take care of himself. At length night came, + with great trepidation he left his hiding place wet + weary + dispirited. He went on with great caution, expecting to be watched, + soon reached Newcastle, + hid himself in a lumberyard, being alarmed at a man who ran when he saw him. But there his serious troubles ended. He soon left Newcastle behind him, + y rest of his journey
was without molestation. He was a fortnight on y road from Va. to Pa.
Sent him to Syracuse                                                                           3.80

Oct. 13. William Thompson belonged to Chs. Thompson of Richmond, Va. He wanted to be free, he says, + has wished to be, for years. Once he attempted to escape about a year since, but was overtaken + carried back. He master treated him pretty well, gave him clothes + food enough, + sometimes money; but he was not
satisfied to remain a slave. Three weeks ago he was in his master's store--dry goods--for y afternoon, y

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