Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [6]



take her immediately to Albany.  Napoleon arrived at New Haven, + found Sarah
without difficulty. She had a comfortable room well furnished at her own cost, for her husband had abandoned her some time since, + become a worthless fellow. In y morning they started for Albany but at y depot Napoleon saw a N.Y. Marshall well-known to him, y same, who about a year since, arrested + returned to slavery y brother + nephews of Dr. Pennington, + with him was a man who answered to Sarah's description of her master. Napoleon was, naturally enough, a good deal alarmed, + thot. it best to leave y train at Springfield. There they remained -- Sarah had an infant-child with her -- a day + a night; y following day went to Albany. On Friday Sarah + y child were sent on to Syracuse, where they were to remain till intelligence of her other children could be sent her.

     On y 4th of July last Sarah came to N.Y. with all her children, + Jacob called to see her. He pursuaded her to let y three elder children go out to walk
with him, + she foolishly consented. He did not return with them. "My heart," she said, after leaving for Syracuse "is broken for y children, + I must have

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