Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [15]



He heard presently y horse returning, + then he saw y white man leap y hedge, search about + heard him say, 'God damn him, I seed him, + knowed him too.' Samuel took to his heels, + ran 'he couldn't tell how fast.' He soon reached a hill + there rested. Before long he heard y baying of a hound; he watched him, + was satisfied he was on his trail. Again he ran, presently he came near a house; he
turned, + was soon near another; in a few moments afterward he found himself on y rail road, + in a small settlement. He ran a short distance, in sight from these houses, on y rail. Then he left it + sprang into a sort of morass, + hid himself in y water + long grass. After leaving y hedge saw he had crossed a 'run,' or creek. From his hiding place he now saw that y dog had regained y trail on y hither side. He approached y farm-house, but there another dog interfered with him. With y dog were two men with guns. One of them spoke to master of y house, + said
'You don't join us in our hunt to-night,' + something else which Saml could not hear. The dog bothered by y other, lost y trail, + returned to y creek. There
he searched in every direction with y run [?] for a

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