Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [23]



+ wood-cutting, + for y latter recd a check for $5 which he gave to his master to collect for him. But y master kept it, + y man who had submitted to be robbed all his life, was so outraged at this petty larceny that he ran away.

 All three of these men were sent on to Syracuse on their way to Canada. The rest of their company had dispersed themselves in various directions, some, it is said, having passed thro' this city within a few days.

Expenses                                                                                       11.64

Nov. 30th. Phyllis Galt arrd from Phila. She was one of y company of 21 to which y three last belonged. Her husband died of yellow fever y last summer. But for that, she says, she does not know that she would ever have had y courage to

run away. Her master + mistress, Mr + Mrs. John Francis left her alone in Norfolk, when y sickness commenced, her owner, a Mrs. Aulcher, of Baltimore promising to send for her. Phyllis thinks she did not because she was afraid she would run away. Her old master, Mr. Francis, left

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