Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [40]



accompanied by an officer, + apprehending their errand, she fled to a neighbours. They searched y house, + Mr. Craig saying that Mary + y daughters were his property, + meant to take them. This Mary overheard him say, before she went out of y gate.

Fortunately y daughters were out. The pursuers searched y house in y rear, but y frightened woman, fearing they might do, had gone further to y house of lady with whom she once lived as service. She remained there till night, + then went to a friend's. In y course of y day the children found, + thro' y week they remained in concealment together.  + all that time their old home was constantly watched. Friends brought them some of their clothes, piece by piece, but every thing else, in y anxiety to save themselves, they abandoned, + they have been probably, or will be, sold by y landlord. Mary was in great distress, at y ruthless breaking-up of her home, y danger of being taken with y children to y South, reduced again to slavery. Her husband, who is also a fugitive slave, is in

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