Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [3]


Jany. 31st.  Two men, sent forward by L. Napoleon                           4.

Feby. 9th.   Otway Tolliver, arrd here by Steamer
                  from Richmond, Va. sent on to
                  L. Matlack, to Syracuse. L.M. acknowledges
                  receipt, + forwarded to Toronto. C.W. [Canada West] 
                  O.T. belonged to Haxall + Co. of Richmond. 
                  By trade a miller.                                                              1.50

 March 18. 
                  Geo. Washington, of Frederick Md. belonged to 
                  Dr.             Left on Saty. last, went on foot to
                  Wilmington, Delaware. A ticket was then given
                  him to N.Y. where he arrd on Thursday. Brot.
                  to y office by Wm. Watkins. Paid his passage
                  thro' to Syracuse.                                                             3.90                                  

 April 3rd.     Benjn. Moody. + James Cummens, belonged
  to Col. Jacob Hollingsworth, Hagerstown, Md. left
  in October. stopped all winter at Crosswicks, N.J.
  with Amos E. Middleton. Forwarded to Syracuse, paying
  Benj.'s passage- 

James C. left his mother, Mary Cummens. (Exs _                                 .25
+ his sister Lucy at A. Middleton's.

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