Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 1 (1855) > page [10]



well clothed, + so far as her physical circumstances were concerned, was very well satisfied with her condition.  But she did not mean to be sold, + take a new lot. Her present mistress had allowed her many privileges, so that with taking in washing

+ making preserves she had accumulated some money.  But for her loss at Harrisburg, she would have made y journey to Canada without troubling any one.

Lissy. Banks came on with Laura. She is originally from near Easton, Md. but has lived in Phila for two years + a half. Receiving information that her master had arrd there in pursuit of her, she left.
Both forwarded to J[ermaine].W. Loguen, Syracuse.

Expenses. Passages, food, +c.                                                                                                   $9

 Aug. 30th. Simon, belonged to Mrs. Owens, Appomattox Co. Va. forwarded from Phila.

Sent to Syracuse.                                                                                                                          4.00

Simon had been hired out to a man he did not like, and had run home several times, but had been returned. He took, at last, to y woods, + bent his steps northward + in about two weeks reached Phila.

Food                                                                                                 .50                                                                                          


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