Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 2 (1856) > page [8]



will only, however, have to go to Canada. It is not, to-be-sure so far, but y difficulties would probably be greater, as in y other place, a slave-catcher would be sure of aid + sympathy. They left on y night of y 10th. inst. + reached Wilmington before morning, + were received by Thos. Garrett. Forwarded to Still, who sent them here.

Sent on to Syracuse.                                                                                    $8.50

May 14th. A party of four arrived from Phila It was headed by Captain Harriett Tubman, y subordinates being Ben. Jackson + Jas. Coleman who belonged to Henry Wright of Dorchester Co. Md. Wm. A. Connoway, Laban Hudson, master, + Henry Hopkins John Houston master, of y same neighborhood. They are all young men, of an aggregate market value probably of $6000.

Harriett Tubman seven years ago was y slave of Edward Brodhurst of Bucktown, Md. Her master dying, y estate to be settled, + two of her sisters having been sold into a 'chain-gang,' she determined to run away. She did so, + made her way to Canada. In a few months, however, she concluded to return. She went back, + sought concealment in


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