Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 2 (1856) > page [24]



him on board. He denied that any one had any knowledge of his being there. They were then within two days of N.Y. After their arrival y capt. kept him on board, + told him he should take him back, + y poor fellow thought he had no alternative but to go, + submissively went to work. But y capt. sent him to market, + he fell in with a coloured man, who, on learning his story, told him to go back with his market-basket, and get his clothes. On returning to y vessel y capt. was absent, but y mate discovered him with his bundles. He said, however, in answer to y inquiry, that they were some of the sailor's clothes, who had been discharged. The mate threw them out upon y wharf, Charles's friend took them up, + he followed, + escaped.

Sent to Albany.                                                                                 $2

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