Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 2 (1856) > page [27]




y sentence executed, in y presence of 2000 persons.

At Phila John understood from his master, that he should send him home. He told one of y servants at Jones's hotel, who directed him to take his carpet-bag, + go out of y front door, as if her were going to get some washing done, + that he would go
out at y back, + meet him at y corner.  The plan was successful, + John was taken to Still, who forwarded him

Sent to Albany                                                                                              $2

July 12th. Harriett Taylor, with three children, Dr. Barand, of Norfolk, owner, claims to be free by y will of her former mistress, Amy Keeling. Her husband, Taylor, escaped last year, + went to New Bedford. He is now a servant in Phila but means to join his family as soon as his term of service expires. He has been successful, + found a messenger to his wife, who was fortunate enough to get off with y children.


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