Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 2 (1856) > page [25]




July 11th. John Haywood, now John Locklear, aged about 16. His master Edward Hayward, a lawyer of Raleigh, N.C. brot. him to Phila. Hayward is a sporting character, + comes north every summer.  He is now in this city. At Baltimore he was joined by a man by y name of  Vick, who was to travel with him. John overheard his master say to Vick, that- "he expected some one would fool him (John) off," to which y other replied that "he was not damned fool enough to go." Hayward has asked John if he would run away. "Of course," said John, I told him no." Nevertheless from a child he had always determined to be free, + had often told his mother that he should run away y first chance he could get. He had a brother who escaped about 18 mos. since, + was last heard of at Chicago, on his way to Canada.

            His master, John says, was tolerable hard himself, but his wife made hima heap worse. She used sometimes to

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