Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 2 (1856) > page [31]




July 29th. David Green (alias Geo. Tyler) of Fauquier Co. Va. near Warrenton, started with 7 others, + had travelled about 100 miles when they were attacked by a party of white men. In y fray lost his overcoat, pistol + money. James Johnson (alias Wm Gilbert, +  Sarah (or Harriett) his wife, both from Washington D.C. He belonged to one Thos. Walker, she to another master, whose treatment of her prompted them to leave.  Valentine Spiers (alias John Wesley) slave of Dr. Jesse Spiers of Dunwoodie Co. Va.  Left at X's + remained all winter in Washington

4 persons to Albany,                                                                       8.50

May 28th. Robt. Smith (now Isaac Handy) from Baltimore, owned by Mrs. Thos. A. Spencer at Snow Hill, Worcester Co. Md. Hired out to her brother N.N. Norris. Charles Henry Ringgold, + John Henry Richards, both slaves of James Hodges of Baltimore.

3 persons to S.                                                                           $12.50

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