The Record of Fugitives > Book 2 (1856) > page [36]
N.C. left him in July. Since then has been concealed in y swamp till about four weeks ago, when thru y agency of a friend he got on board y Wilmington schr. Left a wife + 3 children behind him. Is about 45 yrs. of age-
2n Henry Gorham, a house-carpenter, + slave of Richard Gorham, of Tarboro, N.C. left in Feby. last + has been in y swamp ever since. Also left a wife + one child. Age 35 @ 36.
3r. Wm. Wilson, Blacksmith, belonged to Dr. Tom Warren of Plymouth, N.C. went directly on board four weeks ago. Left a wife, age 42.
4th. Andrew Williams of So. End, Camden Co. N.C. Engineer, belonged to J.T. Williams Left + one child, age 27. Wiley Madison, of Wm Anderson, Dun-
woodie Co. Va. left Wednesday week, came via Petersburg, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, age 19.