Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 2 (1856) > page [23]



permitted to visit her, she had no difficulty in getting off with them to y vessel.

She paid $57 for y passages. Phyllis Galt (Nov. 30th. '55) is a sister-in-law of Sophia's.                                                                                                $7

July 9th. Charles, a man of about 45, he said, but seeming much older, was brot. to y office, in a state of great trepidation. He came here on board a schr. (y Messenger) from Petersburg, Va. He belonged to Chs. Goodall, Bacon Quarter

Branch 3 1/2 miles from Richmond, a tavern-keeper. Chs. says he has had a hard life + long wished to be free, + has tried to run away before. He walked to Petersburg, + was promised by some sailors that they would conceal him on board if he would help load y vessel. He was put in y bows, hid by y cargo, with some biscuit for food, + near a barrel of water. He remained there eight days + then was

discovered by y noise he made in sea-sickness.  The capt. took him on deck + whipped him to compel him to tell who concealed

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