Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 2 (1856) > page [22]




July 8th. Rebecca Lewey, from Eliza Anderson's, Norfolk, Dry Goods Dealer on

Sixth St. Her husband is in Boston; Left a son of 15 behind, whom she hopes to get
off somehow. Sent to Boston.

Elizabeth Tompkins from Arthur Cooper's  Clergyman of Norfolk. Her mother + husband objected to her coming away, + y latter threatened to betray her, + took away all her money. The mother, however, persuaded him to do nothing worse, + y Capt. of y Schr. gave her her passage. Has a brother-in-law in New Bedford. Sent there.

Sarah Bellons from Joseph Knight's, cabinet-maker of Norfolk, having heard ofy oppy. to escape only on that day - was surprised to find so many companions in y place of concealment provided for them.

Sent to N.B. where she has friends                                                $11.25

July 9th. Sophia Gray, with a son + daughter nearly white, from Wm. Orton's [?] Portsmouth Va. She was hired out, but y children lived at Orton's. [?] As they were sometimes

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