Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 2 (1856) > page [3]



of y three was $1800. Took passage on y same vessel with Robinson, + paid $100, drawing y money from y Navy Agent on her husband's order. Her younger girl (9 yrs.) was dressed as a boy.

Sent to New Bedford where she has a sister.                                           10.50

April 4th. James Jones, 31 years. old, from Alexandria, Va. Left on Friday night last March 28th. in a schooner for Baltimore. A friend of y Captain of y vessel concealed him there in a freight car, + let him out at Wilmington. Paid y Captain $2.40. Dr. Wm Stewart was master. Had not been treated badly, but was tired of being a slave. His mother ran away four years ago, + went to N. Bedford.

Sent to Syracuse-                                                                             4.50

Do. Do.-- Thos. Henry Matthews, (now calls himself Lewis Lee, 25 yrs. came off with 5 others 4 men + 1 woman, from Prince George's Co. Md, near Bladensburg. Ethan A. Jones, his master. Started Easter Saturday. Walked on towards Harrisburg under y guidance of a free coloured man of


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