Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 2 (1856) > page [12]




men who were with her to-day, that she had come back. They made y necessary arrangements + a fortnight ago, on Saturday, y five started, Harriett leading y company. They travelled by night, + on foot to Newcastle, Del. On y way or there, they learned that y hue + cry was after them. Along y Railway, at all y stations, + at road-side taverns bills were posted, describing y four men, + offering a reward of $1200 for their capture. But for Harriett they would, without doubt, have been taken. She led them safely to Newcastle. There she took them to y house of a colored woman, + for one week they lay concealed there in a potatoe-hole. Braving detection for herself, she went backward + forward between New Castle + Wilmington, on y cars to get friends to carry her company further. The risk was manifestly too great, they had to remain quiet. When she had no longer 20 c. to pay her passage she walked, + at last a friend consented to go for them. They were sent to Wilmington, at night, + then into Pa. at last here.

Harriett is, by profession, a cook, + when at service earns from $15 @ $16 per month. She has lived in N.Y. + Phila + would have remained in one or

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