Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Book 2 (1856) > page [10]




wife, having given y necessary bonds. Harriett went on y day before, + took y sister + child to Canada to y child she had rescued before. There y husband + father, who was free, soon after joined them.

The spring following she returned a third time. Her four brothers had been fugitives all winter, in y woods, to escape y dreaded 'chain gang.' The three eldest, however, had 'come in' at y solicitation of a lumber-man, to whom their services were important, + who had hired them before, + who had agreed to hire them again

for one year, thus securing them from being sold before y next Christmas. The youngest, however, was not included in this arrangement, + remained in y woods, tho badly frost-bitten. Harriett, from her own place of concealment, entered into communication with him, + brot. him off.

At 'Camp-Meeting time,' y following summer, she again went back, + went, as before, into concealment. She had interviews with y three brothers, but they all refused to leave y man who had been so kind to them, + at his own risk of loss, by hiring their time put off y day

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