"Sisters" was Cosmopolitan Productions Number 32, and is possibly lost. It was directed by Albert Capellani, and based on a novel by Kathleen Norris that had been published in 1919, with scenario by E. Lloyd Sheldon.
From the TCM website: Cherry (Gladys Leslie), the youngest daughter of Dr. Strickland, marries Martin Lloyd (Joe King); and Peter (Matt Moore), a neighbor who was in love with her, unhappily begins a world tour. Returning home, Peter finds that the doctor has died, leaving the older daughter, Alix (Seena Owen), alone; and he marries her out of desperation.
Cherry, unhappy with her marriage, leaves her husband and comes to live with her sister and Peter; learning that Peter still loves her, Cherry agrees to run away with him, but they are discovered by his wife and upbraided. Martin is injured in a logging camp accident, and Cherry, realizing that she still loves her husband, goes to him. Peter resolves to free Alix, but she forgives him and they agree to start anew.
Shown here are Urban's sets for a Living Room and two separate Dining Rooms.
Shown here are the sets for a Veranda, Bedroom, and Country Store.