The People in the Books: Hebraica and Judaica Manuscripts from Columbia University Libraries

Rabbis > Commentaries in Persia


Perush Yeshaʻayah.
Manuscript in Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic, and Judeo-Person, on paper.
Ca. 15th century.
MS X893.1 BC P434
Rare Book and Manuscript Library

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Perush Yeshaʻayah: 147-148


This book of Isaiah includes a Judeo-Arabic and a Judeo-Persian translation.  The Persian Jews had a particular connection to the book of Isaiah, because of its mention of the Persian king Cyrus, who was thought to be the biological son of Esther, the Jewish queen in the Purim story.  Many other Judeo-Persian works describe and glorify King Cyrus, who allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and to build the second Temple after the Babylonian exile. 




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