The People in the Books: Hebraica and Judaica Manuscripts from Columbia University Libraries

Timekeepers > Through the year: Holidays


MAIMONIDES, MOSES (1135-1204).
Mishneh torah: sefer zemanim.
Manuscript in Hebrew on parchment.
13th century.
MS X893 M2816
Rare Book and Manuscript Library

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Mishneh torah: 6v-7r

Moses Maimonides' Code of Jewish Law was the earliest universally accepted Jewish legal code.  Prior to his work, legal rulings could only be inferred through intensive study of the Talmud and its surrounding texts.  The third volume of his Code deals with time, including the Jewish festivals and the setting of months.  The astronomical details discussed in Maimonides' code were accepted universally, and remain the basis for the modern Jewish calendar. 

The opening shown here is the beginning of the section that discusses the laws for various Jewish holidays.


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