Scholars > Mathematics textbook
Sefer limud ḥeshbon.
Manuscript in Hebrew on paper.
Ca. 16th century.
MS X893 Sh4
Rare Book and Manuscript Library
This textbook would have been used by students of mathematics in the Near East during the 16th century. The fragment of the book shown here begins with an explanation and a discussion of fractions. Each section includes questions and answers, as well as diagrams to illustrate various concepts. Particularly interesting about this work is how it was made "Jewish": the names given in the examples are often "Re'uven" and "Shim'on," names which are often used generically in rabbinic discussions as well.
One of the questions on the below page would be familiar to any 21st century student of mathematics: "If Reuven left his house on Sunday, the first of the month, to meet Shim'on, and Shim'on left his house on the same day; and the distance between the two is 100 milin (unit of distance), and Reuven travels 19 milin per day, and Shim'on travels 14 milin, when would they meet?"