The People in the Books: Hebraica and Judaica Manuscripts from Columbia University Libraries

Scholars > Temple Emanu-el

Temple Emanu-El, N.Y.C. [detail drawing of sanctuary in elevation]. 
Digital reproduction of graphite on tracing paper, 88.3 x 94.1 cm.
Guastavino Fireproof Construction Company/George Collins, 1928.
Avery Drawings & Archives
Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library

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New York City’s Temple Emanu-El is generally known as the most prominent Jewish Reform congregation in the United States.  This drawing was prepared in 1928, when the Temple moved to its present location on Fifth Avenue and 65th Street, the largest synagogue space in North America.  The relationship between Emanu-El and Columbia University, however, dates back to the 19th century.  In 1892, with the encouragement of Richard Gottheil, Professor of Semitic Languages at Columbia, Temple Emanu-El donated its collection of 2500 rare books and 45 manuscripts to the University.  By 1896, the New York Times called Columbia's collection of Hebraica and Judaica the "largest in the country."

Gift of the Guastavino Fireproof Construction Company, 1963.


Rare Book & Manuscript Library / Butler Library, 6th Fl. East / 535 West 114th St. / New York, NY 10027 / (212) 854-5153 /