Scholars > Jewish Polemics II
MUELHAUSEN, YOM TOV LIPMANN (14th/15th century).
Sefer ha-nitsaḥon.
Manuscript in Hebrew on paper.
18th century.
MS X893 Se35
Rare Book and Manuscript Library
The Jewish polemical work Sefer ha-nitsaḥon was written in the 15th century, during a time of disputations and missionizing by Christians of Jews. The owner of this manuscript was working on translating his copy into Italian, as indicated by a loose leaf found tucked into the manuscript. Each page of this work includes a blank facing page, conceivably where his translation would be added. Although Sefer ha-Nitsahon was a much-censored and oft-burned book due to its strong criticisms of Christianity, some Christians made an effort to study it in order to be able to refute its arguments. The first printed edition of the work was produced by a Christian, Theodor Hackspan, in 1644.