Music at Columbia: The First 100 Years

Faculty And Graduate Students: Taking A Leadership Role > Graduate Study

The University's music faculty has a long and distinguished tradition, not only of teaching but of individual achievement. Columbia scholars and composers have been widely recognized in their respective areas, and are well represented among the recipients of Guggenheim, National Endowment for the Humanities, and National Endowment of the Arts fellowships. Faculty projects have received the Otto Kinkeldey, Alfred Einstein, and Noah Greenberg awards granted by the American Musicological Society for outstanding contributions in scholarship and historical performance. Columbia composers number among ASCAP Award and Pulitzer Prize winners. In 1951 Douglas Moore's Giants in the Earth was the second American opera to be awarded a Pulitzer Prize, following Gian Carlo Menotti's The Consul in 1950.

On February 16, 1897, the University Council approved the resolution of the Faculty of Philosophy that music could be offered by that faculty for the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees. Since the early days, graduate students have contributed to an expanding record of achievement. In the area of scholarship, students' awards have included AMS 50, AAUW, Fulbright, Ford Foundation, Javits Foundation, and Whiting Fellowships. Graduate student composers have been recipients of the Bearns Prize, the Rappaport Prize, and the Rome Prize of the American Academy in Rome.

An important aspect of the training of a scholar is the business of writing and editing. Current Musicology, founded in 1965 as a scholarly journal produced by students, is the oldest such periodical in the country. Begun with the support of Ditson and Martha Baird Rockefeller Funds, Abby A. Rockefeller, and the Scherman Foundation, Current Musicology originally emphasized graduate work in musicology. Increasingly, CM has published the work of scholars at all stages of their careers, and is international in scope, with Corresponding Editors throughout the world.


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