The People in the Books: Hebraica and Judaica Manuscripts from Columbia University Libraries

Communities > The death of a leader


Kinah: le-moto shel Eliyahu ben Menaḥem ha-Kohen.
Manuscript in Hebrew on paper.
Greece, ca.  19th century.
MS X893 M81
Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Eliyahu ben Menaḥem HaKohen served as the rabbi of the centuries-old Jewish community on the Greek Island of Corfu in the mid-18th century. This sign was published and displayed publicly to announce his death. Signed by Eliezer di Mordo, the words lament the falling of the “crown” of the community and pray for communal comfort and the strength to carry on without Eliyahu ben Menaḥem’s guidance, wisdom, and knowledge.  (For more about Eliyahu ben Menaḥem and Eli'ezer ben Shabtai Mordo, see this manuscript.)


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