Frances Perkins: The Woman Behind the New Deal

President Roosevelt > The Roosevelt I Knew

Viking Press, New York

The Roosevelt I Knew

Broadside, New York, The Viking Press, [1946]

Frances Perkins Papers, Box 104

On the verso of the title page of her acclaimed biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Frances Perkins published the following statement: “For editorial and critical assistance in the preparation of this book the author acknowledges a deep debt to Mr. Howard Taubman of the New York Times.” Taubman, just out of the army in 1945, had not yet rejoined the Times as music critic. During April and May, he turned Perkins’s written and dictated words into the published book. It was a popular and critical success, going through multiple printings, and was also published in England, France, Germany and Austria.

Gift of Frances Perkins



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