Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Addenda > page [7]




 Nov. 27.  Eliza Manoga [Manokey], from Dorchester Co., Md.  About 42 yrs. old.  Ann Greaves, her owner, had hired her away so far from her husband (who is free) that she ran away rather than go.  Has two children, son and daughter.  Mistress gave the son to her newphew [sic], who took him to Missouri when he was 4 yrs. old.  The boy clung frantically to his mother, begging her to save him, but in vain.  Never heard from him since.  The daughter is now 16 or 17, belongs to the mother’s mistress, has four children.  First ran away in January last, took refuge in the woods, alone. Free


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