Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Addenda > page [1]



 Monday New York Nov 10th 1856

Five men from N. C. Per schr.

     Major Lathan, miller, slave of John Latham, Williamstown, Martin Co. N. C., farmer left him the 12th of last July, has been in the swamp since.  He had a friend, colored, a ship carpenter, who acts as agent for the captain with whom he was in communication during his stay in the swamp and who arranged the plan of his getting off.  Wednesday morning next will be 4 weeks since he left the swamp and got on board the vessel.  The reason of his laving hom was that the master and he could not agree and he whipped him once.  Has a wife and 3 children, about 45 years old.

      Henry Gorham, House Carpenter, Richard Gorham of Tarboro in N. C. farmer in cotton master.  Started last February, been in the swamp ever since, left wife and 1 child bet. 34 and 35 years old.

      Wiley Madison, Farmer, Gardner and Waiter of Dinwoodie Co. Va. Dr. William Anderson master.  Started last Wednesday week.  Went to Petersburgh, to Richmond, to Creek [?] and took boat to Washington, to Baltimore, to Phila.  19 years.

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